Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Special Education and Elementary Art - Basketball - March - Spring Projects - Sensory Bags

I got this idea for "Sensory Bags" from Pinterest.  They were so easy to make and the students loved them!  I bought hair gel from the dollar store and put it into zip-lock bags.  I added glitter, beads, gems, etc and colored one bag blue with food coloring and cut out orange fish with foam.

The special education students worked on sorting the beads into piles by color.

This one is my favorite!
Easter bunnies
Ladybug Art - I got this idea from Pinterest and I love how they turned out!  Students had a chance to use scissors a lot today cutting the dirt, grass, and ladybugs.  We used black beads to glue on for ladybug spots.
In honor of March Madness, my student created a basketball project.  They cut orange circles and glued them on paper, then traced lines with marker to make the basketballs.

Small and large basketballs for March Madness!  Great way to practice cutting circles and tracing lines.
Today we made butterflies in hopes that spring will be here soon!  I pre-cut the paper plates and added the pipe cleaners.  Students painted the butterflies with glittery paint, then glued on beautiful gems.  Think spring!
Butterflies made in the ASD Art class.

Butterflies made by the ASD class.  They turned out so lovely!

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